Discover Gideon Pond
Gideon Pond R-R-S
At Gideon Pond, we support our students and improve learning through R-R-S: Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Teachers and staff take every opportunity to support and encourage students to use RRS throughout the day and regularly reward them with programs, including Student of the Month and school-wide celebrations.
Community strong
The support of parents and community members is essential to our work with children. Gideon Pond is fortunate to have an active Parent Teacher Organization and amazing volunteers. They support unique learning opportunities including field trips, teacher mini-grants, the Junior Great Books program and much more.
responsive, individualized instruction
All teachers are part of collaborative teams, meeting weekly to assess student achievement and plan for differentiated instruction. We feature school-wide intervention programming that supports students in literacy and math. This work helped earn Gideon Pond the Reward School designation from the Minnesota Department of Education for four straight years.